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Gardening in December

Short days and few hours of sunlight make December feel like a dark month. Many plants will be dormant, meaning they won't grow. However, now is the perfect time to plant and maintain roses, perennials and shrubs. Make the most of your garden by trimming them into seasonal decorations.


Vegetables What vegetables to plant in December There’s still time to sow the following vegetables if you haven’t already done so: Broad Beans Garlic On the kitchen windowsill you could also be sprouting seeds in a jar: Aduki beans Alfalfa Chickpeas Fenugreek Lentils Mung beans Radish Check the instructions on individual packets and use a purpose-built seed sprouter to keep them fresh. The sprouted seeds can be added to salads as a great source of protein. You can also try growing lettuce, herbs and cress on a windowsill. What vegetables to harvest in December Still cropping in the vegetable patch are: Brussels sprouts Carrots Celeriac Chard Jerusalem artichokes Kale Leeks Lettuce Parsnips Swede Turnips If very cold weather is forecast, cover or harvest any vegetables you need to see you through the icy snap whilst you can still get a garden fork into the ground. Vegetable plant maintenance in December There are just a few small jobs to do in the vegetable patch in December. All of these jobs are concerned with the brassica family of plants such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflowers, kale, swede, and turnips. All that needs to be done is to: Check netting is secure, so that birds can’t damage the plants. The netting should be held up with supports so that birds are unable to perch on the plants and peck through it. Check plants are firmly in the ground. Plants which can easily move around, in particular Brussels sprouts, can shorten the cropping life. Gently firm in if there is any looseness. Remove yellowing leaves, to prevent any diseases from spreading. If you are overwintering rhubarb, this is also a great time to divide it for more, stronger plants.

fruit What kind of fruit is suitable for planting in December Fruit trees and shrubs are available year-round, but bare-root plants are suitable for planting during the winter when the plants are dormant. So December is the perfect time to plant any of the following: cherry Grape Fig peach Plum blueberry When buying soft fruit canes, scrape the cane lightly - it should be green under the bark. The species should be marked and the roots should be evenly distributed. What fruits are harvested in December not applicable Fruit tree maintenance in December December is a busy time for orchards. The following plants are dormant throughout the winter and should be pruned: Grape mulberries pear Remove any dead, diseased, or exposed branches. Freestanding apple and pear trees should be pruned to promote good air circulation. Check that the fruit tie is attached to the bracket, but not too tight. As the plant grows, it is easy to forget that the tie could cut into and damage the plant. Loosen and re-knot if needed. Mulch existing fruit trees with compost or well-rotted manure, and prepare the ground for new fruit trees by digging and adding the same. One of the bigger projects you can do in the orchard is to build a fruit cage for smaller plants. This will protect the soft fruit from birds. Use stakes and upside-down pots, and pin or press down the edges of the netting to keep birds out. Or, if you have the space, you can use a walk-in fruit cage made of rigid mesh so you can reach the fruit without having to adjust the mesh every time.

Houseplant What kind of potted plants are suitable for planting in December Growing plants indoors means we can garden year-round. With so many different houseplants to choose from, it's easy to find the right one for your available space and environment. For rooms where the temperature is typically 18°C or lower, we would recommend a number of plants: For a well-lit room: Chlorophytum (spider plant) gerbera geranium Evening Primrose (Cape primrose) For rooms with poor lighting: Sedum ivy Monstera Check your breed's needs to find out exactly what it needs to thrive. Houseplant Maintenance for December Each houseplant has slightly different needs, but all houseplants need: Watering: Generally only water when the top third of the soil is dry. Keep in mind that plants are more likely to dry out in winter when central heating is turned on. Feeding: Provide essential nutrients to plants by using houseplant foods. Orchids have more specific feeding requirements. Pruning: Trim dead ends by removing any leaves or flowers that have turned brown and crunchy. Clean the leaves to remove dust, which can prevent plants from thriving. You can do this with a cloth, or by placing the plant under the shower and washing it gently with cool water. Replant houseplants as needed using compost specially formulated for houseplants.

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